Sabtu, 25 April 2009

Keyword, Religion and Politics of Disaster

By: Mudhofir Abdullah
Lecturer at State Islamic Religion Higher School (STAIN) Surakarta
Flood in Jakarta
Response after the flood disaster
Socio-economy-politics-culture resources in facing the disaster
The definition of politics of disaster
Suprastructure level
Main concept of mitigation
Pioneering and leadershipResponsibility of government
Prohibition of big number of victims
The role of religion
Environmental damage
Human morality and human behavior
Mary Evelyn Tucker, ecology expert and environmental activist, Buckel University, Pennsylvania
The need of ethics and values
Indonesia as the religious nation
Islam, Christian, Catholic, Hind, Budha Potential power
Disaster is not God punishment
January 24, 2008
Friday 16 February 2007

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